Nude Satin Pillowslip

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  • Regular price R 250.00

Cotton pillowslips absorb natural oils from your hair and skin, which you can probably guess is not a good thing. So, if you're tired of sleep creases, bedhead, frizz,damaged hair and ageing skin you should probably switch to a satin pillowslip.

Say hello to healthier, more hydrated hair and skin.


  • Available in three stunning colours - Nude, silver grey and white.
  • Fits a standard sized slip.
  • Durable and easy to care for. Our customers have had their for years.
  • Creates less friction on your hair and skin.
  • Does not absorb moisture, unlike a cotton pillowslip.
  • The sheen of the fabric allows your hair and skin to glide over its surface meaning less bedhead, frizz and sleep creases.
  • Cooling to sleep on.
  • Helps prolong your blow-dries.
  • Helps to look after lash and hair extensions.
  • Switch to satin and say hello to shiny, smooth hair and healthier skin.